Stéphane Eyraud
Stéphane is a senior Partner and founder of CH&Cie, a management consulting firm dedicated to financial services (www.chappuishalder.com). He has launched two years ago with his partners a website dedicated to Fintech : www.fintank.net His key expertise is based on international projects on technical issues for which his drive, political ability and masterly knowledge help clients to achieve their objectives. He is more specifically skilled in Capital Market, Innovation and Growth Strategy. After a first experience within BNP Paribas, he joined Price Waterhouse Coopers where he was in charge of capital market practice. After seven years in PwC, he has decided to found CH&Cie, a consulting boutique (200 consultants, 32 million euros turn over in seven countries) with a very comprehensive international footprint (London, Geneva, New York, Montreal, Paris Hong Kong and Singapore). After spending three years in Hong Kong, now based in London, he is managing at a global level the international development of the firm. He is also CEO of Chappuis Halder.