Scott Goodstein
Scott Goodstein, the founder and CEO of Revolution Messaging, has pioneered digital strategy and technology for the left’s top political campaigns and for progressive causes around the world. Goodstein’s firm helped Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign shatter all expectations to raise $220 million online, achieving new records in grassroots fundraising and young voter support. Revolution Messaging led Sanders’ online fundraising, digital advertising, email, website, mobile, video, photography, social media graphics and more. In 2008, Scott was External Online Director for Obama for America, creating the campaign’s groundbreaking social networking, mobile and lifestyle marketing strategies for what was widely seen as the biggest, most effective grassroots organizing campaign of modern times and a watershed moment for the use of digital technology in politics. Prior to his work for Obama, Scott worked for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and managed over a dozen political campaigns. He co-founded Punkvoter.com and Rock Against Bush in 2004 which became a $4 million young voter mobilization effort. Most recently, Goodstein and his firm have built two new services to make progressive activism easier in the age of President Trump. WhiteHouseInc.org and DailyAction.org have connected over a million calls in protest of Trump policies. Under his leadership, Revolution Messaging was also recently awarded Digital Agency of the Year by the American Association of Political Consultants and Best Global Presidential Campaign by the European Association of Political Consultants. Goodstein has assisted national political campaign efforts in Aruba, Brazil, Canada and Mexico. He has given presentations at Columbia University, American University, George Washington University and Georgetown University. He has also been a featured panelist at South By SouthWest, PopTech, Brookings Institute, the Milken Institute and Personal Democracy Forum and sits on the advisory boards of The Arena Summit and Poptech.