Diana Adams
Diana is a lawyer, activist, keynote speaker & communication educator based in Frankfurt, Germany and New York. Diana Adams is Executive Director of Chosen Family Law Center, Inc, a nonprofit serving LGBTQ (lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer), polyamorous, platonic and non-nuclear families, and teaches innovative cultural competency trainings on serving these communities. https://chosenfamilylawcenter.org/ Diana is also Owner of Diana Adams Law & Mediation, PLLC, a boutique family law and mediation firm based in New York City and also serving Americans in Europe. www.DianaAdamsLaw.net Diana is Director of the Euro LGBT Family Law Institute, connecting top lawyers in LGBT family law and Assisted Reproductive Technology Law in Europe with top lawyers in this field worldwide, in an effort to create a worldwide legal support movement for these families. As a renowned mediator and conflict resolution coach, Diana also teaches workplaces how to use communication tools to transform difficult conversations and conflict into opportunities for personal and professional growth, and teaches weekend workshops on assertive communication for women to support women as bosses and leaders, such as at Omega Institute June 2019. www.CourageousConversations.Work