Coco Brac de la Perrière
Executive coach, speaker and author, Trainer and Mindfulness instructor for companies and organizations My numerous coaching missions in Burma bring me closer to meditation; I trained at MBSR, mindfulness and leadership, emotion and conflict management (Conflict Dynamics Profile). I organized the biggest dinner in silence and in mindfulness of France, ( 400 Px) and wrote 3 books « the power of Mindfulness @work » Fayard « Everything is important, but nothing is serious » Fayard, and the last “ dare to disconnect to reconnect Dunod Recognize for my ability to mobilize many players from different sectors, I accompany leaders in search of connection, meaning and depth who understand that know-how is as important as being, in order to become a conscious leader. I am convinced that In the digital age, the Full Consciousness has its place.The digital revolution brings an anthropological revolution, that is why I built a Digital DETOX meditation programme for the app PETIT BAMBOU and the Digitaldetoxinstitute.com, another meditation programme about ecology, another about the power of silence, and the last one about sorority. Since 2 years lunch a start Up call BEGOOD.care in order to take care of the Body/ mind/Heart.