
Kinnernet Europe will be held at a very special location: the  historical village of Avallon.

map logo_avalon
Avallon is about 200km outside of Paris can be reached by direct train from Paris main trainstation.Avallon can be reach from Paris by Car (200Km A6 freeway driving south) or Train (direct slow trains to Avallon or fast TGV to montbard).
You could also fly to Zurich or Geneva and train to Dijon or Montbard or Drive to Avallon.
You could also fly or air ballon to Avallon which has a small airport.


You need to take care of your own sleeping arrangements as nights can be pretty cold in June…And we will not take care of it. Payment in advance – not refundable

You will be able to make a reservation at the following hotels or gîtes within few days…

HOTELS – Walking distance from Kinnernet Europe Event Location

House to Share  *** Book a room here

Hôtel Avallon Vauban  *** Book a room here

Hôtel De la Poste  *** Book a room here

Hôtel Le Pub Vauban  **  +33 6 79 31 31 85 / pubvauban@orange.fr (fully booked)

Gîte des Remparts Beautiful House to share (4 double rooms – 1 bathroom)

CHAMBRES D HOTES  – Walking distance

Au Bel Air        +33 6 86 76 02 99 ou 03 86 31 66 19 – bobinette4@wanadoo.fr

Nathalie Tarteret +33 6 70 12 50 65 – nathalie.tarteret@gmail.com

Lucette Hancke   +33 3 86 34 22 48 – lucette.hancke@wanadoo.fr

HOTELS – Further away, 5 mins drive

+33 3 86 31 63 20 / dakhotel@yahoo.fr

HOTELS – 5 kilometers  – with a car – charming hotels

 Auberge du relais Fleuri    +33 3 86 34 02 85 / contact@hotel-relais-fleuri.com

Share a drive from the Airport to Avallon: 

Gregoire 06 15 10 10 48